
and your biggest supporter

Coming FALL 2024

Keep F*!#ing Going

A formula to live better and lead stronger through
moments of chaos and change

Don’t wait for a breakdown to initiate a breakthrough.

Krista Ryan was attending the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas when a gunman opened fire, unleashing a barrage of bullets and terror that would become the largest mass shooting in US history. As Krista ran to safety, she thought one thing: Keep f***ing going. KFG.

This mantra became the foundation for Krista’s KfG Method, a formula for navigating change and living life to the fullest. In Keep F*!#ing Going, Krista shares this motivational framework that will help you transition your life from average to elite. Read how team members, military personnel, athletes, and organizations worldwide have applied KfG to live better and lead stronger. Whether processing a challenge, navigating a crisis, or seeking self-accountability for success, Krista’s strategies provide the actionable steps you need to thrive through moments of chaos or change and step into your best self.

Cultivating connection and collaboration through chaos and change

Your resource for

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Hi, I’m so glad you’re here

I’m Krista Ryan


My job is to help you learn a little, laugh a lot, and get clear on action steps for your success.

It may have taken a life changing event to shake me awake and decide I no longer wanted to live a comfortable life… I wanted to embrace the discomfort and live a life of courage and intention.

Speaking events

Connection. Conversation. Collaboration.

I am a story teller and people connector! I pride myself with providing my audience with “Ah-ha” moments that challenge their thoughts and reality.

My audience members will walk away with a heightened awareness, self accountability and clear action… while having a ton of fun! Warning: Sore cheeks from smiling may occur.


Let’s do this!

I know your life is busy. I get it! That is why I have made it easy to work with me. Whether you are an event planner looking for your next keynote, a leader looking for a facilitator or an individual thirsty for traction and growth through one-on-one accountability coaching… I’ve got you covered!

Resources for you

Do you have those moments where your best ideas just come to you? Yeah, me too. They tend to happen while outdoors walking my dog, in the shower, or while eating double stuffed oreos. Regardless of where they happened, I’ve started compiling them to share with you!