Cultivating connection and collaboration through chaos and change


Keynote Speaker

Are you looking for a speaker who will not just engage and motivate, but help your audience feel UNDERSTOOD and inspired? Contact us to find out about Krista’s keynotes that tackle head on key issues from organizations worldwide through the lens of laughter, love, and accountability for action.

Team Workshops

Krista supports teams of 2 up to 2000 in her in-person and virtual workshops. Contact us to find out more about team workshop topics including the KFG Academy!

Keynote Speaker


Team Workshops


1:1 Coaching


Keynote Speaker // Team Workshops // 1:1 Coaching //

“Krista brought a light and energy to the room and set up the tone for the rest of our conference! She was a perfect start to our day!”

Business Coaching

KFG Coaching

Are you ready to elevate to the next level? I’ve got you covered! I will not hold your hand, but I will hold you accountable to take the next steps in career and life that will help you level up, faster! Have a team? No problem! Reach out to find out how our KFG coaches can support the entire team! We are here for you all!

Individual Coaching

1:1 Coaching

Looking for confidential 1:1 coaching?
We’ve got you covered! We offer 1-on-1 coaching for those that are ready to move to the elite level of their life. Looking to add confidential coaching to your organizations employee benefit program? We've got you covered! Hop over to our sister page!

“Krista did not just speak TO us. She connected WITH us and it felt like she was speaking directly to me!’

Krista Ryan in a yellow chair with her feet up.

I’m Krista Ryan

Certified executive coach, facilitator, trainer, and speaker, focused on Leadership Excellence and Workplace Success, supporting industries around the globe, from small family-owned businesses to Fortune 500 companies. My book “Keep F*!#ing Going, A step-by-step guide to navigating success.” will be released Spring of 2024.

Let’s do this!

Ready to get started?