A Guide To Working With Someone You Don’t Enjoy Being Around
I understand that working with a team member you don't particularly like can be challenging, but it's important to remember that we often encounter various personalities and backgrounds in the workplace.
Creating A Company Culture That Sticks
Imagine your workplace as a garden—you want to create an environment where every plant (employee) can flourish and contribute to the overall beauty of the space. That's what company culture is all about.
Simple Ways to Improve your Relationships with Co-workers
Workplace relationships, like any other relationships, can experience friction for various reasons. These frictions can arise from miscommunication, differing personalities, conflicting priorities, and even external stressors. It's important to address these issues because positive workplace relationships contribute to a healthier work environment and enhanced productivity.
Setting Boundaries at a New Job: Tips for Success
A new job can be exhilarating, full of possibilities and new challenges. You're excited, eager to prove yourself, and maybe even a tad anxious. It's like stepping onto a new path, where every corner holds a potential learning experience. This sounds exciting and quite nerve wracking.
Deepening Workplace Relationships To Create More Synergy
We’ve all been part of teams that lack good relationships and working synergy, but when we’re in the middle of them, do we actually realize how much it’s hurting the organizations we create or are working for?
How to Create a Culture of Accountability in the Workplace
Are you tired of hearing blaming and complaining at work regarding tasks that do not get done? To-dos that stay on the to-do list... even after someone commits to them? This may be a sign that you have a lack of accountability within your organization.
Is Retention a Thing of the Past?
The pandemic and the Great Resignation has led much of the workforce to change direction, often leaving employers questioning if employee retention is officially a pipedream. But we can’t only blame the pandemic for this wave of turnover. There are quite a few different things driving employee behavior
What Makes a Top Employer?
Over the last couple of years, employees have personally changed their approach of how they work, where they work, and why they work. These shifts have many companies wondering what it takes to be considered a top employer. I want to look at some areas of importance for employees and what it may take today to retain and attract professional talent.
Whom You Choose to Surround Yourself with Matters
In the coaching world, we talk a lot about choices. The choices we make define who we are today and in the future.
How Identifying Stress from Pressure Can Impact Your Mental Health
All of us experience moments of stress and moments of pressure–yes, even you, "the high achieving leader." Oftentimes, the words stress and pressure are used interchangeably, conveying that they mean the same thing. Does that resonate?
Parental Pressure: The Impact of Our Words
For many of us, our schedules are filled with activities with and for our children. Every time you look at your calendar you see a soccer game, a practice, a birthday party, a swim lesson, and endless other activities that fill your already packed calendar.
Mental Exercises That Build Resilience
I have noticed something about the people I work with on a regular basis. Oftentimes, we start out a coaching session or a conversation by asking them how they are feeling …
Empathetic Leaders Are The Future of Leadership
Historically, our society has trouble seeing how empathetic leaders and leaders that hold others accountable are mutually exclusive. In this blog, I will explore reasons why leaders don’t need to choose between the two and how working with both energies will deepen the vision and connection of a team.
Are You Living With A Fixed or Growth Mindset?
Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation.
Grandpa’s Habits
"Habits are not a finish line to be crossed, they are a lifestyle to be lived." - James Clear
Think “We” Instead of “Me”
Are you ready for a hard truth? It doesn’t matter how solid you are at doing something alone … you’re always going to get much further if you work with a team, as a team, using “we” instead of “me.”
3 Simple Steps to Kickstart Your Mental Strengthening Journey
My guess, you’ve heard it just shy of a million times in your adult life. When it comes to your physical health, everyone has something to say. Do this workout, try this diet, don’t eat that, make sure to get 8 hours of sleep … blah blah blah. Sure, most of us want to stay healthy or become healthier for our families, our careers, ourselves … which means most of us continue doing so to live a longer physical life.