Grandpa’s Habits


"Habits are not a finish line to be crossed, they are a lifestyle to be lived." -James Clear

Recently, my grandpa turned 96 years old. I thought I was due to visit him and off I went back to the home he lives in, still completely on his own! Age seems to have nothing on him. It was inspiring going to see him and watch him do his morning workout. However, during that time, I made some clear observations about him. These realizations were so clear and so obvious, but so many of us tend to find excuses and reasons to avoid our habits and our routines–myself included, don’t worry!

I asked myself “Why do we do this to ourselves?!” Habits help us in so many ways, and if we decide to create good habits it can help us manage our wild minds. When we have routines, it gives us space, and ultimately, it frees up brain power for other things. AMEN. The habits that we begin to create TODAY can shape the way our tomorrow goes–and beyond–and beyond again. Research even shows that the “best way to bring about change in your life is by creating new routines and sticking to them until they become habits.”

Back to story time. As for my grandpa, he has 96 years under his belt. That’s a long time, and I don’t think it should be overlooked.  A huge driver of his mental and physical stability AND strength comes from the habits he has established for himself. His dedication to these habits has been game-changing for him. 

Now, let’s all learn some lessons from my dear grandpa. What are Grandpa’s habits, and what does he do to maintain them? 

He exercises EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

He has a very no excuses mentality here. What does he do? He does leg lifts, arm weights, and stretches. He formed this habit as a young athlete, maintained it during active duty in WWII (where it became a matter of life and death), and simply never stopped. Sure, it looks different than it used to, but it is a major priority to him and he honors that. His exercise routine keeps his body healthy and strong, which is essential to him as he continues to live in his own home.

He makes his bed EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Do you do this?! It’s much more of a big deal than you think. Making his bed every day sets him up for success. It establishes commitment to habits first thing in the morning. I know you’re wondering, does he nap? Yes. But, he still makes his bed with care, consideration, and a sense of achievement. Small acts go a long way!

He dresses as if he is heading into the office EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

At 96 years young, he does not leave his home often. But, that does not mean that he chooses to dress down for himself. He finds pride in feeling successful and that alone is POWERFUL. His clothes and dress make him feel a sense of pride. To all my work-at-homers, dressing for success (not just a party on top and scrubs on the bottom) tremendously helps your productivity.

He sticks to his routine.

He finds his best days are the ones in which he is rested and refreshed. He ends his day at 10 pm and begins his morning at 7 am EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Does he have anywhere that he needs to be by getting up that early? No. But, the consistency he brings to each day sets him up for success and mentally he frees up space by maintaining his habits.

Did you notice a pattern in Grandpa’s habits? I sure did! He committed to each habit EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Not just when he felt like it or when it was convenient because most times you won’t feel like it and a lot of times things don’t feel convenient. He makes a conscious choice every day to maintain his habits.

This man has been a part of my life for more than 42 years. Damn, I am showing my age but that’s okay! His habits are as strong, reliable, and true as anything I have ever seen. He is living proof that the choices you make today, and the habits you form, will impact you for years to come. They matter. They make a difference. Whether it is positive or negative it’s up to you.

If you’re unsure of where to start on your habit building journey, I highly recommend Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book is top notch valuable and will walk you through ALL aspects of habits, from forming new ones to breaking bad ones–this book covers it all.

Lastly, I will leave you with a few questions.

What habits are you forming?

How are your current habits paving the way for your future?

There will come a time when your future self is going to look back and reflect. When that time comes, wouldn’t it be amazing to be in a place where you can stop and say “Thank you” to yourself for the choices you made today? You have the power to create the future you desire. It can start today.  Your future depends on it.


I’m Krista Ryan

My job is to help you learn a little, laugh a lot, and get clear on action steps for your success.

It may have taken a life changing event to shake me awake and decide I no longer wanted to live a comfortable life… I wanted to embrace the discomfort and live a life of courage and intention.

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